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Monday, October 11, 2010 site move

Hello all,

There were some issue today with the site due to a move to a new server. We are deeply sorry for the problems that some of you have seen today.

To help this along. Please note the following:

1. If you cannot login please contact or Include the user name and password you are using

2. Once the password has been updated please log in and re-cut and paste the URL to your podcaster (Itunes, Juice etc)

3. IF any other issues occurr please let us know at the emails above

Once again sorry for the errors but the new server and hosting company will help the show as it continues to grow.

Thank You

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Dear people: Welcome People's Creative; constructive; Question; comment; suggestion; ideas-creativity or information and-or for connection; integration; mitigation; progress and success with peace; prosperity health and wealth and knowledge…… New and improving ways of thinking; Asking; connecting; being constructive; protective; safeguarding; securing; expanding with stability and ability for success and progress...... calm cool right proper just call comfert advise guidence motivation creation construction redesign rebuilding reconstruction renovation