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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Steph on Joy Behar 4/19/2011

Hello Gang!

Just wanted to give you all a heads up that Steph has been booked to be on HLN's "The Joy Behar Show" Tuesday 4/19/2011 at 10pm ET / 7pm PT.  Be sure to tune in or set your DVR's to see what Steph will be talking about.


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Dear people: Welcome People's Creative; constructive; Question; comment; suggestion; ideas-creativity or information and-or for connection; integration; mitigation; progress and success with peace; prosperity health and wealth and knowledge…… New and improving ways of thinking; Asking; connecting; being constructive; protective; safeguarding; securing; expanding with stability and ability for success and progress...... calm cool right proper just call comfert advise guidence motivation creation construction redesign rebuilding reconstruction renovation